APIG NSW 2025 Autumn Soiree
03/04/2025 16:00 to 03/04/2025 19:00
Venue: The Establishment, 252 George Street, SYDNEY, NSW, 2000, AUSTRALIA,
Autumn Soiree
APIG NSW would like to invite you to our first networking event of 2025 as we bid farewell to the end of daylight savings.
Buy your fellow colleague, broker, insurer or lawyer a ticket and join us for a late afternoon soiree.
Can you think of any better way to celebrate the start of Autumn?
Book Here
APIG NSW | APIG NSW 2025 Autumn Soiree | 03/04/2025 | 16:00 | 03/04/2025 | 19:00 | The Establishment | 252 George Street, SYDNEY, NSW, 2000, AUSTRALIA, | Autumn Soiree
APIG NSW would like to invite you to our first networking event of 2025 as we bid farewell to the end of daylight savings.
Buy your fellow colleague, broker, insurer or lawyer a ticket and join us for a late afternoon soiree.
Can you think of any better way to celebrate the start of Autumn?
| https://apig.memnet.com.au/MemberSelfService/EventBooking.aspx?selectedEventId=264 | 264 |
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,CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),[Event End Date],103) AS [Event End Date]
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FROM EventData
INNER JOIN Event ON EventData.[Event Id] = Event.EventId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Branch ON EVENT.BranchId = Branch.BranchId
WHERE [Event Status] = 'Open'
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Executed SQL -
'APIG ' + ISNULL(Branch.Name, '') as [Branch Name]
,[Event Name]
,CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),[Event Start Date],103) AS [Event Start Date]
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,CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),[Event End Date],103) AS [Event End Date]
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FROM EventData
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LEFT OUTER JOIN Branch ON EVENT.BranchId = Branch.BranchId
WHERE [Event Status] = 'Open'
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Select rows above and then selection an action from below to execute on your data:
Execute Selected Action