Upcoming Events

2024: The Evolution of Employment Law


29/08/2024 12:45 to 29/08/2024 14:00

Venue: Gallagher Insurance, Level 4/289, Wellington Parade, EAST MELBOURNE, VIC, 3002, AUSTRALIA,

2024: The Evolution of Employment Law -

From fast food class actions to the dismissal thresholds; an enshrined definition of employment and a right to disconnect and everything in between.


Dear APIG VIC Members,

We invite you to join us for our next educational seminar on the 2024 APIG calendar of events.


Over the past 18 months, Australian workers' rights have changed significantly with multiple stages of industrial relations reforms and other employment law changes.  A number of changes have already come into effect, with the remaining changes slated to commence later this year and in 2025.  Some of these changes are the product of lasting influences from the pandemic which have impacted the way we work, others try to predict what the future of work may look like, and some are in place in order to close loopholes in the law.  

Employers everywhere have needed to respond and adapt to the changing regulatory landscape.  As brokers, insurers and lawyers we need to be prepared to assist them with this changing landscape and looking ahead.


Join our speakers: Joel Zyngier and Bhrig Chauhan (Gilchrist Connell) as they take us through the key recent legislative and employment law developments including: the right to disconnect, increased dismissal thresholds; flexible working; new definitions; duties regarding sexual harassment; new criminal offences; and increased in civil penalties all of which will have implications for both employees and employers.

Joel and Bhrig will also examine a number of recent case studies and look at how employers and employees are navigating these changes, as well as the implications for insurance and risk, and what changes are still on the horizon. 


Book Here

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(For all events except the Annual APIG National Conference & Gala Dinner)

1.       Transfer of tickets / booking to another party allowed up to the event

2.       Tickets / booking can be cancelled up to 7 calendar days prior to the event with a full refund

3.       No refund will be given for cancellations after this time or “no shows”

4.       Credit notes for any cancellations will be issued in the 7 calendar days prior to the event